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Review Link is the link your customers visit for leaving a review. You can customize review link by clicking Settings and then Personalise requests.

From Personalise requests you can change the review link URL and link preview title.

You can also edit landing page logo, copy and image (size - 720px x 900px) by clicking Edit.

The landing page is mobile-friendly.

On Platform Choice section, you can disable or enable platforms you’d like to showcase on the landing page link.

Negative Feedback section shows the page your customers are presented with when they want to write 1, 2 or 3-star review.In this case, we ask your dissatisfied customer to leave their contact information to follow-up later on, in order to answer their concerns privately.If they want to write 4 or 5-star review, Negative Feedback page will not be presented.

Showing Negative Feedback page / Internalising negative feedback is optional, and you can disable it by clicking SettingsPersonalise request and choose Star filter disabled.

Private Feedback section shows the page your customers see when they want you to leave a private feedback from your personalise requests.

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